Last updated 3 months ago

How to create a telegram bot

How to create a telegram bot

If you are reading this page then you must have installed onlinetrader and activated the signal module on your online server by now, if not follow this guide to do so.

To setup your telegram bot, the first thing you need to do is to create a bot with your desired name from telegram. To do this, simply launch your telegram app either on your desktop or mobile (desktop recommended, so that you can copy and paste some info needed in the setup process), and search for "botfather".

Now you want to tell bot father to create a bot for you, to do this, send the word /newbot to bot father. Bot father will ask for your bot name, now you just need to respond appropriately to get your bot created.
After this process, you will be given you bot link and HTTP API to access your bot.

Congratulations! you now own a dormant telegram bot.

Now head to the script, from the side menus, click on signal provider and enter the signal settings page. You will see where to enter your telegram bot API key provided to you by bot father 

Next up is to create your telegram private channel. Click on the "New message" icon at the top right of your telegram app and then select "New channel" to create your private channel. Once you have successfully created your channel, add your newly created bot to the channel as an admin and enable all privileges on it.

After that send up to 5 random messages on your private channel. This will enable us retrieve our chat ID.

Next, go to your signal settings page on your website and click on the get chat ID button to retrieve the chat ID. If you encounter and error message while doing so, please send more messages to your channel and try again. 

Once that is done, save your settings one more time and everything will be set.

Congratulations, your telegram bot is set.

To test it, please proceed to chat with your bot and send "Hello" to get started.