Last updated 8 months ago

What is a tradecopier and how does it work

Getting started with the tradecopier

Trade copier allows your users or followers to copy your positions or orders in the financial market. Onlinetrader web based trade copier will enable you to run an effective MAM (multiple account management) system effectively without the need to run any VPS or EAs. As a trader, you create subscription plans for your followers to subscribe in order for your trades to be replicated in their own trading account(s).


At a glance

  • Admin can create trading subscription plans (monthly, quartely, or yearly).
  • Admin can create a strategy (Master) account(s)
  • followers can choose and make payment for any plan.
  • After the user makes payment, he/she can submit trading account details
  • Admin can confirm payment
  • Admin can connect the users submitted account to a master or provider account for copytrading to start


How to activate the tradecopier module

By default, this module is enabled for all, however, connecting any trading account for trade copying costs $9.99/month only.